Smart, beautiful, and successful female figures in the gambling industry - 2

For the sixth consecutive year, the most influential women rating by iGB has remained a significant fixture in the gaming industry's event calendar. Annually, iGamingBusiness celebrates the most influential women in the gambling sector – senior executives who, over the course of a year, have transformed work processes within their companies and impacted the industry as a whole.

The second part of the 2023 iGB ranking highlights four more outstanding women in the industry.

iGamingBusiness opened registration for the 2023 Most Powerful Women project in July, in collaboration with the Women's World Cup.

Christina Thakor-Rankin, co-founder of the All-In Diversity Project and one of iGB's Most Influential Women in Gambling for 2022, contributed to the women's issue of iGB L!VE magazine. She discussed how industry operators leveraged the Women's World Cup's benefits for business and whether an extraordinary sporting event could be made profitable.

Following the application deadline, the commission evaluated how the nominees influenced the industry's development over the past 12 months. This year, the judges noted the high level of professionalism among the contenders, making it challenging to decide who to include in the final Top 10 ranking.

Victoria Reed

Founder of Better Change

Victoria Reed learned about her inclusion in iGB's Most Influential Women list at a crucial time for companies like hers – during Safe Gambling Week. Better Change aims to blend responsible gaming practices with efficient gambling operations. Recognizing women's achievements by incorporating responsible gaming principles into the industry is a significant accomplishment.

Reed expressed that being included in the iGB rankings is "a real honor" for her. Besides acknowledging personal merit, participation in the ranking serves as recognition of Better Change's merits and the principles of responsible gambling.

“To be included in such an authoritative and respected group is unexpected and truly honorable,” said Victoria. “From the very first day of operation, our company was faced with enormous challenges from all sides. And of course, we had to demonstrate that our Positive Play approach supported not only gamers but also operators, and that we didn't have to sacrifice one for the other. For me, this award means we're seeing how Positive Play is resonating with audiences and partners, and while there's still a long way to go, we're very proud to play a small part in the sustainability of the industry we all love."

Reed recognizes the importance of mentorship and female peer support, utilizing these principles to connect with other women in the industry.

“I always try to support those who work hard and strive to make a difference,” she says. “I have been fortunate enough to mentor and support several amazing women throughout my career, and I always take the time to share with them what little experience I have and support them on their own path to success.”

On a more personal level, Reed understands the consequences of not receiving the support and guidance needed.

“First of all, I know from personal experience what it’s like to be supported, but I also know what it’s like to be overlooked and exploited,” she continues. “My personal experience has helped me make sure that no matter who I work with, I always stay true to my values and try to be the support that I would like to have myself.”

Bahar Alaeddini

Partner at Harris Hagan

Bahar Alaeddini's drive for success is deeply rooted in her childhood experiences, where she learned the values of hard work and the pursuit of dreams from a very young age. She attributes her motivation to the challenges faced as a child, which fueled her desire for a different life, one where she could exert more control and influence over her destiny. Alaeddini's journey began with excelling in school as a teenager and working diligently to create meaningful opportunities for herself.

The lessons of perseverance and resilience acquired early on became instrumental in her legal career, particularly when confronted with intense competition and repeated rejections. Despite acknowledging her significant success, Alaeddini humbly admits to encountering challenges in her professional life, especially when dealing with difficult individuals and navigating the influences of gender and racial biases.

Shifting focus from personal disappointments, Alaeddini overcame obstacles through hard work, recognizing that not everyone could be entirely satisfied through no fault of her own. When asked about the secrets to success, she dismisses the notion of a simple concept, highlighting that success is a personal and ongoing journey, one she continues to navigate.

Looking toward a future of equality in the gaming industry, Alaeddini underscores the importance of demonstrating that women can achieve work-life balance, provided the right supportive work environment. Proud of Harris Hagan's commitment to equality, with 50% of partners and lawyers being women, she hopes women advancing in gaming and legal roles will see that it is indeed possible to enjoy successful careers while embracing personal life, including family and children. The key, according to Alaeddini, is finding a balance that suits individual aspirations and priorities.

Sarah Gardner

Deputy Chief Executive, UK Gambling Commission

Sarah Gardner sees her recognition as one of iGB's most influential women as a noteworthy accomplishment, both personally and professionally. Expressing the significance of the award, she highlights the honor of meeting past awardees, all of whom are highly impressive individuals and top-level professionals. Gardner also attributes the recognition to the collaborative efforts within the Gambling Commission.

With 14 years of experience at the Commission, Gardner has observed positive changes in gender equality initiatives, leading to increased parity in the workplace. The commission's panel now boasts an admirable 50% female representation, a significant improvement. Reflecting on her earlier years, Gardner acknowledges the challenges of being the only woman at business meetings and conferences. However, she notes that this scenario has evolved, with numerous outstanding women contributing at all organizational levels.

Recognizing the obstacles arising from biases in favor of male employees, Gardner actively fosters an inclusive environment where individuals from smaller groups, often reluctant to speak up, are encouraged to express their opinions. Drawing on personal experiences, she shares the common sentiment among women of having to exert more effort to be heard, especially in male-dominated settings. Gardner's commitment extends to empowering colleagues, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and encouraging those who might hesitate due to differences in gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or other factors.

Clémence Dujardin

General Director, MyAffiliates Group of Companies

Securing a distinguished place in iGB's top 10 list of the most powerful women in 2023 holds significant meaning for Clémence Dujardin. She believes that women often forge ahead without pausing to reflect on their journey and acknowledge their accomplishments. According to Dujardin, success serves as a powerful reminder for women across industries to take time for introspection and recognize their persistence in attaining important goals.

Joining the affiliate software platform in 2012, Dujardin has crafted her path through dedicated effort and strategic planning. She credits her clear sense of purpose as her guiding compass, ensuring a clear direction. However, she underscores that success is a collaborative effort, emphasizing the crucial role of a supportive environment. The people surrounding her are pillars in her journey, emphasizing the value of a secure and encouraging atmosphere.

Dujardin acknowledges that success is not solely an individual achievement, but a result of collective work that is inclusive and collaborative. Balancing work and personal life presents a challenge for Dujardin, who also confronts the impact of stereotypes and prejudices, whether based on gender or origin. Breaking down these stereotypes has become integral to her advocacy, not just to validate her position but also to pave the way for others to avoid stereotypical judgments.

Addressing the existing biases against women in the industry, Dujardin actively raises awareness about prejudice, aiming to contribute to the creation of a more equitable and inclusive space. Her commitment extends beyond personal success to fostering an environment where others feel valued and understood, emphasizing the importance of empathy and collaboration in the pursuit of true success.

10 January 2024, 12:02




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