Men betting on sports. Source: Shutterstock

The Impact of Gambling Issues on Children in the UK

Recent research from GambleAware reveals that approximately 1.6 million children in the UK live with an adult exhibiting signs of a gambling problem. This charity focuses on providing treatment and support for individuals struggling with various forms of gambling addiction.

The study, which included a survey of over 18,000 UK adults, face-to-face interviews with current and former gambling addicts, and online focus groups, indicates that children raised in households with a parent suffering from gambling addiction are four times more likely to develop their own gambling or betting issues.

Dr. Manpreet Duffar-Pottiwal, a psychologist specializing in behavioral addictions, explains that a parent's struggle with gambling can lead to significant disruptions in family dynamics, impacting relationships, communication, and the child's emotional health. "This can create a challenging environment for the child," he notes. 

Children in these situations often feel neglected and experience stress from financial insecurity, compounded by the emotional turmoil that arises when parents prioritise gambling over family needs. This can lead to family conflicts, as a parent's need to gamble takes precedence over spending quality time with their children.

Moreover, these experiences can hinder a child's ability to form healthy relationships, manage finances, and may lead to a pursuit of impulsive and thrill-seeking behaviors driven by a desire for instant gratification. Without professional intervention, children who grow up in homes affected by gambling addiction risk perpetuating the same harmful patterns they observed in their families.

24 August 2024, 17:00

BettingGamblingGambling addictionUnited Kingdom



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