Battle Against Record-Breaking DDoS Attacks in Q3 2023

In its latest quarterly report, American cybersecurity giant Cloudflare revealed a sharp increase in targeted DDoS attacks against the gaming industry.

According to the report, gambling and gaming platforms faced an unprecedented surge in HTTP DDoS attack traffic, surpassing even the cryptocurrency sector.

Cloudflare countered thousands of hyper-voluminous HTTP DDoS attacks, 89 of which exceeded the threshold of 100 million requests per second. The largest attack peaked at 201 million requests per second, tripling the previous record.

Who are the leaders? In terms of numbers, the USA leads with 36% of the attacks, followed by Germany with 8% and the United Kingdom with 5%.

However, North America and Oceania did not appear in the top ranks. This suggests that cyber threats are quite selective.

Nonetheless, Cloudflare warned of turbulence in the gaming sector in November and December. It recommends websites in this niche to strengthen their defensive measures and consider using modern automated DDoS protection systems.

13 November 2023, 21:30

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