Online casino advertising in Bulgaria. Source: Novinite

Bulgaria Moves to Restrict Gambling Advertising

Bulgaria's parliament is considering a bill that would significantly curtail gambling advertising across various media channels. The proposed legislation aims to restrict advertisements related to gambling on the internet, television, radio, and print media, while also prohibiting their display on building facades.

Under the proposed bill, gambling ads would only be permitted on billboards situated more than 100 meters away from schools, as well as within the premises of gambling halls and casino buildings. Violators of these restrictions could face hefty fines, with penalties reaching up to $27,419 (approximately 50,000 leva) for websites promoting gambling. Additionally, individuals involved in illegal gambling activities could be fined anywhere from 500 to 2,000 leva.

This move comes shortly after similar measures were enacted in Romania, where authorities recently voted to restrict slot machines in areas with populations of fewer than 15,000 residents, effectively banning their presence in rural locales.

26 April 2024, 09:27

Casino and GamesBulgaria


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