Cambodian Casino Alleges Bribery Involving Over 800 Journalists

Top Diamond Casino in Cambodia has accused 828 individuals claiming to be journalists of power abuse and bribery. The casino management asserts that these self-identified reporters exploited their status to receive complimentary meals and cash gifts. In response, 192 individuals from the media have approached Cambodia's Ministry of Information, expressing readiness to engage in discussions regarding the allegations. Previously, the casino hosted New Year's events, treating members of the journalistic community to lavish meals and drinks.

Information Minister Net Feaktra stated that employees from 107 media outlets have reached out to the department. Ministry spokesman Tep Asnarith warned of potential legal action against accused individuals who fail to provide information about themselves, citing Cambodian law's prohibition on journalists accepting bribes for publishing commissioned articles or concealing facts.

Preliminary investigations indicate that many of the names on the accused list have no affiliation with official media outlets.

4 January 2024, 12:30

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