Danish Authorities Issue Three Reprimands to Mr Green Casino for Money Laundering

Danish Authorities Issue Three Reprimands to Mr Green Casino for Money Laundering

Online casino operator Mr Green Limited has faced three reprimands from the Danish gaming authority Spillemyndigheden for breaches of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA). Additionally, the regulator cited the operator twice for failure to comply with secretariat requirements.

Mr Green has been directed to furnish documentation confirming that audits were conducted in accordance with prescribed procedures by October 10. Furthermore, by June 10, the operator must provide a description and outline of internal business controls.

The initial reprimand stemmed from Mr Green's failure to include a separate risk assessment for payment channels in its business model, as mandated by Danish law. The second issue highlighted inadequate internal control procedures due to a lack of clear inspection intervals. Finally, the regulator noted the absence of evidence of any inspections conducted at all, constituting the third violation.

15 April 2024, 15:20

Casino and GamesSpillemyndighedenDenmark


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