ANJ logo and French flag. Source: SBC News

French Regulator Orders Online Operators to Revise Terms and Conditions

The French gambling regulator, Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ), has issued a directive requiring online operators to review their terms and conditions for customers. The watchdog has instructed companies to identify and eliminate any ambiguous or inconsistent provisions, particularly those that unfairly limit operators' liability or customers' rights to compensation.

Following ANJ's investigation, the French online gambling ombudsman received numerous complaints from players regarding unacceptable conditions outlined in the terms and conditions. ANJ aims to ensure that operators achieve a "satisfactory level" of compliance with the law in their general terms and conditions for customers.

Operators are also prohibited from restricting the types of evidence customers can provide, imposing limitations on claim periods, or unfairly reducing payouts. ANJ emphasized the need for diligent oversight of the rules to promote transparent gameplay and address legal concerns effectively.

2 April 2024, 09:18

Casino and GamesFrance


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