(Molly Haslund)

Illegal Gambling Among Danish Teenagers: 15% Engage, Reveals Study

A study by the Danish Gambling Authority, Spillemyndigheden, has unveiled concerning findings, indicating that 15% of Danish teenagers aged 15 to 17 participate in illegal gambling or sports betting. The study involved over 30,000 young respondents.

According to the survey, respondents cited the availability of unique games as a key reason for registering on illegal online casino sites. Additionally, 32% of those surveyed were motivated by the belief in substantial returns and valuable wins. Notably, many illicit gambling platforms allow minors to register without undergoing identity verification procedures.

In response to these findings, Spillemyndigheden initiated a nationwide campaign in December 2023 to educate individuals under the age of 18 about the potential dangers associated with gambling.

17 January 2024, 15:00

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