Email. Source: RuWeb Email Service Blocks Over 7 Billion Scam Emails in Q1 2024

In the first quarter of 2024,'s email service, leveraging artificial intelligence technologies, thwarted an impressive 7 billion scam emails. Shockingly, more than a third of these nefarious messages—35%—were peddling lottery participation and online casino advertisements.

Scammers also attempted to lure unsuspecting recipients with messages containing referral links, masquerading as representatives of banks, retail chains, and marketplaces, constituting 26% of the spam volume.

The persistent allure of gambling and lottery schemes remains a focal point for spammers, with Pochta identifying a staggering 8.2 billion spam emails—comprising 41% of all spam—in 2022 alone, urging recipients to engage in online casino gaming or participate in lottery draws.

This concerning trend underscores the ongoing battle against fraudulent activities plaguing email inboxes, necessitating continued vigilance and robust measures to protect users from falling victim to such scams.

3 April 2024, 19:00

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