Tipbet logo. Source: Tipbet

MGA Revokes Tipbet Operator License

The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has revoked the license of Tipbet Limited, effective immediately. Tipbet, headquartered in Gzira, Malta, is one of the oldest online sports betting companies and operates across various European markets, including Germany, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Croatia.

The MGA exercised its authority under Section 9 of the Malta Gaming Compliance and Enforcement Rules to revoke Tipbet's license. The decision was based on multiple violations of Section 9, as the operator failed to meet numerous regulatory and financial obligations required for its operations.

The MGA determined that the revocation of Tipbet's license was necessary due to the operator's failure to fulfill its obligations to players in a timely manner and its delay in paying amounts due to them. The Authority concluded that there were substantial and sufficient grounds to suspend the permit.

22 May 2024, 10:00

Casino and GamesMaltaLicensesBetting


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