Elderly people play cards. Source: Zen

Police Shut Down Underground Casino Targeting Pensioners in Moscow

Authorities in Moscow have uncovered an underground casino specifically targeting pensioners, operating clandestinely within an apartment. Suspicious activities were reported by residents of the building, who observed a steady stream of elderly individuals entering one of the units. Following the tip-off, police intervened and detained two suspects believed to be organizing the illicit gambling operation.

According to reports, the organizers utilized a phone-based mailing list to invite pensioners to participate in the casino, where they collected money from attendees upon entry and facilitated payouts for winnings. Interestingly, no complaints were lodged by the pensioners themselves; rather, concerns were raised by vigilant neighbors who alerted law enforcement.

This discovery follows recent incidents involving similar illegal gambling establishments, including a case in northwest Moscow where eight individuals were implicated in running an underground casino. Investigators have since initiated criminal proceedings against the alleged perpetrators, who leased premises on Svoboda Street for their illicit activities.

16 May 2024, 17:08

Casino and GamesRussia


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