Online gambling in Ontario. Source: GamblersPick

Study: Over 86% of Ontario Residents Utilize Regulated Gambling Sites

A recent study commissioned by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has revealed that a significant majority of residents in the province engage in gambling activities on legal online platforms. According to the findings of the February 2024 survey, a substantial 86.4% of Ontarians are registered users on regulated gambling websites.

This figure represents a notable increase from the 85.3% of respondents recorded in 2023. The surge in registered users coincides with the Ontario government's decision in 2022 to inaugurate an open gambling market, permitting gambling operators licensed by the AGCO to establish operations in the province. Presently, there are 47 registered operators in Ontario, collectively operating 77 regulated sites.

Despite the availability of regulated options, a minority of 13.6% of respondents admitted to continuing to patronize illegal gambling sites. The survey also identified over 350 different sites utilized by these individuals for their gambling activities.

The study underscores the effectiveness of regulatory efforts in steering a majority of Ontario residents towards legal and regulated gambling platforms, highlighting the importance of ongoing oversight and enforcement measures to curtail the prevalence of illicit gambling operations in the province.

8 April 2024, 18:00

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