Casino workers in Macau. Source: WSJ

Study Reveals Challenges Faced by Casino Staff in Macau in Addressing Problem Gambling

A recent academic study has highlighted significant challenges faced by casino staff in Macau when it comes to intervening in problem gambling behaviors, despite their clear understanding of responsible gambling practices.

The study, which involved multiple rounds of interviews with 49 casino employees from six gaming companies in Macau, found that while staff are generally adept at identifying problematic behaviors, they often hesitate to intervene actively. This hesitation is primarily due to several barriers, including fear of being misunderstood by customers, potential aggression and resentment from players, and the possibility of facing disciplinary action from management for interrupting a guest's game.

Interestingly, the study also revealed a misconception among some employees that Macau's responsible gaming initiatives only apply to local residents and casino staff, rather than to tourists. This misconception is significant because a large portion of Macau's gaming revenue comes from visitors from mainland China and Hong Kong.

The findings underscore the need for clearer communication and training among casino staff in Macau regarding responsible gambling practices, ensuring that all stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in promoting a safe and sustainable gambling environment.

20 May 2024, 17:09

Casino and GamesMacau


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