Interdepartmental work between Cambodia and Vietnam. Source: VnExpress/Phuoc Tuan

Vietnamese Citizens Arrested and Deported from Cambodia for Gambling Offenses

Vietnamese authorities have confirmed the detention and repatriation of over a hundred citizens who were arrested in Cambodia on charges related to gambling. According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Pham Thu Hang, the majority of those detained were Vietnamese nationals. Collaborating with Cambodian authorities, the Vietnamese consulate facilitated the return of these individuals through border crossings on March 11.

The arrests occurred following raids conducted by Cambodian police at the Paradis Island casino on March 9. A total of 172 foreigners were apprehended, including 109 Vietnamese citizens, who were subsequently transferred to the Immigration Department for deportation. Additionally, Thai law enforcement arrested 18 Vietnamese nationals during a separate operation in Bangkok, where they were accused of operating an online gambling network since November 2023.

In response to these incidents, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry has issued warnings to its citizens, advising them to exercise caution when considering lucrative job opportunities abroad that do not require advanced qualifications. The ministry emphasized the importance of verifying the legitimacy of potential employers, including the existence of appropriate insurance policies.

17 March 2024, 10:00

Casino and GamesCambodiaVietnam


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