The renowned poker tournament organizer, World Poker Tour (WPT), has announced its groundbreaking venture into China with the inaugural WPT Macau festival. In collaboration with Allied Gaming & Entertainment (AGAE) and Wynn Macau, the prestigious event is scheduled to take place from June 18 to 24, heralding a significant moment for the global poker community. Poker enthusiasts from across Asia are invited to participate in this historic tournament.
The WPT Macau festival represents a landmark occasion for Macau, marking the first-ever poker event of its magnitude in the region. Participants can enter the tournament with an entry fee of $5,100, with the option to compete in the WPT High Roller tournament for a ticket priced at $25,500. World Poker Tour CEO Adam Pliska expressed gratitude to AGAE and Wynn Macau for their collaborative efforts in bringing this poker extravaganza to fruition.
This milestone event signifies a historic achievement for the World Poker Tour, as it marks the organization's inaugural foray into hosting a tournament in China. AGAE has played a pivotal role in facilitating the event, contributing to its marketing and operational management to ensure the success of WPT Macau.