Central Bank of Russia. Source: cbr.ru

Central Bank of Russia Urges Banks to Strengthen Control Over Payment Agents

The Central Bank of Russia has recommended that banks enhance their oversight of payment agents due to their connections with gambling operators. The Central Bank identified cases where payment agents, during simplified customer identification processes, illegally used citizens' personal data to open electronic wallets without their knowledge. These wallets are often used for high-risk transactions, including settlements with illegal online casinos and bookmakers, leading to adverse consequences for both banks and citizens.

Payment agents, which can be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, perform certain banking operations under agreements with credit institutions. The Central Bank advises banks to be cautious when selecting these organizations and to ensure they comply with anti-money laundering legislation. If a payment agent is found to be acting in bad faith, the bank should unilaterally terminate the agreement. The regulator also reminds banks that they are responsible for ensuring payment agents adhere to customer identification requirements.

28 May 2024, 13:35




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