Experts Assess US Online Gambling Market by 2028

Researchers and economists from Arizton have found that the online gambling market in the United States is expected to grow at an average rate of 11.66% from 2022 to 2028.

Analysts attribute this growth to the demographic of the players themselves. Currently, the gaming community is largely made up of young people up to 35 years old and millennials who are technologically savvy and largely dependent on technology. These individuals are expected to drive demand in the online casino market.

In 2022, experts recorded industry growth and an increase in consumer spending on gambling in the USA. This has led to serious competition among gaming houses, contributing to their growing number in the country. The market size increased by $11.51 billion. To illustrate the scale, researchers cited Las Vegas, where Americans and visitors to the US spent $157 billion in a year.

8 December 2023, 05:00




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