Rio de Janeiro. Source:

Brazilian MPs approve legalisation of casinos, bingo and horse racing betting

The CCJ in Brazil has given the green light to a legislation that would officially permit casinos, bingo, jogo de bicho, and horse racing betting in the country.

The bill outlines regulations for these activities and introduces new taxes. If passed, gambling establishments can be set up in tourist hubs or large entertainment complexes, with a minimum of 50 gaming halls.

Each state will have a maximum of one casino, with specific allowances for São Paulo to have up to three, and Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas, and Par to have up to two each. The casinos must demonstrate a paid-up capital of at least R$100 million ($8.4 million) to operate. Brazilian tourism organisations will be authorised to accept bets, including on horse racing, once accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The bill was approved by 14 votes to 12. Now the document, which has been pending since 2022, is sent to the Senate for further voting, since it has already been approved by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies.

21 June 2024, 10:23




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