Fire Set in Illegal Mexican Casino with Molotov Cocktails Thrown at the Building

In an illegal Mexican casino in Tijuana, a fire broke out after individuals on motorcycles threw Molotov cocktails at the building. The fire quickly engulfed the gambling house, and firefighters arrived promptly to extinguish it. However, one person was seriously injured, and two others died in the incident.

The police have no information about the criminals, except that, according to witnesses, they were on motorcycles. The case is being investigated by the prosecutor's office of Baja California, but law enforcement has no leads. Authorities are also unsure whether the attack was targeted at the casino, its owner, or one of the patrons.

One theory about the incident is a confrontation between criminal gangs, as Tijuana is known for constant cartel wars. In September 2023, Mexican authorities arrested the leader of one such gang, who also set fire to the "Royale" casino in Monterrey.

28 November 2023, 00:00




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