Roblox accused of spreading gambling among children

Parents have filed a class-action lawsuit against gaming platform Roblox, accusing it of promoting gambling among children. The lawsuit alleges that the company failed to take adequate measures to prevent minors from accessing external sites through its app.

Roblox is one of the leading gaming platforms in the world. According to parents, some children were able to gain unauthorized access to funds within the platform and, apparently, went through advertising to online casino sites. Common Sense Media expert Natalia Garcia noted that the problem is more than one year old, and for many years users have expressed concerns about the dominance of commercial offers on the platform.

The user can go to a virtual casino by purchasing Robux - the internal currency of Roblox. Connecting a wallet with currency to a site that hosts online gambling allows the gamer to use the funds to make a deposit. In this regard, minors began to play in casinos through Roblox.

14 December 2023, 14:00

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