Ukrainian Parliament. Source: Carnegie

Ukraine Imposes New Restrictions on Gambling Advertising Until New Law is Passed

The Government of Ukraine has implemented new restrictions on the advertising of gambling activities, including trademarks and other intellectual property associated with gambling. These restrictions will remain in place until a new bill is passed. The resolution, Cabinet of Ministers No. 566 dated May 17, has been published on the government website. It will be effective until amendments to combat gambling addiction and enhance state regulation of gambling and lotteries are enacted, or until the end of martial law, whichever comes first. The document specifically prohibits the use of symbols of the country's Armed Forces in gambling advertisements.

Furthermore, gambling operators are now banned from registering multiple client accounts for a single player on the Internet. The decision also sets maximum limits on the amount of time a player can continuously participate in gambling activities both daily and weekly. This regulation aims to establish clear limits on player participation in gambling games.

23 May 2024, 16:55




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