Zimbabwe Bans Police Officers from Betting Following Social Media Image

Zimbabwean law enforcement personnel are now prohibited from engaging in football betting, as authorities have imposed a ban following the circulation of a photograph featuring two police officers in uniform on social media. Those police officers discovered participating in betting activities may face arrest and imprisonment, although their identities remain concealed in the photograph.

According to local media reports, Zimbabwe grapples with extremely low salary levels, a situation that extends to law enforcement officers who receive less than $400 per month. In the wake of the photograph's online appearance, a directive was issued to all police stations, instructing them to apprehend and detain any officers implicated in betting.

Subsequently, the two individuals depicted in the photograph were taken into custody. The specific charges against them remain undisclosed; however, legal experts suggest that they have been accused of "inappropriate actions discrediting the police."

16 January 2024, 16:30




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