Editorials from Bulgarian newspapers. Source: BBC

Bulgarian Media Push Back Against Proposed Gambling Advertising Ban

Bulgarian media outlets have raised their voices in opposition to the government's proposed bill seeking to ban gambling advertising. The bill, which aims to completely prohibit gambling advertisements on radio and television, has stirred considerable controversy, with industry stakeholders warning of potential adverse effects.

Companies within the sector have criticized the government for its perceived lack of foresight and its imposition on journalistic freedom. They argue that some political parties may exploit the situation to influence the media landscape ahead of upcoming elections. Consequently, these organizations assert that the proposed changes could have detrimental consequences. Former Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov has also voiced his opposition to the ban, highlighting its potential threat to media independence.

Under the new bill, gambling advertising would be banned across various media platforms, including television, radio, newspapers, and online sites. However, outdoor advertising would still be permitted in certain locations.

30 April 2024, 08:00

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